Talking Dead with Ambrosia: After & Inmates

Warning: Spoilers Ahead
The usual disclaimer: You know how Talking Dead works. Since the point of the post is as if I’m in the conversation taking place on the show, clearly I will be talking about the episode. Ergo, if you have not yet watched it, you’re going to be pissed if you read this.

Now that I’ve gotten than out of the way, can I just say about Inmates:
CAROL! Oh my God! *flails*  I know she’d be back. A little later than I’d hoped/anticipated. I mean, I wanted her to show up for the battle, maybe be one of the heroes, and she did say that she came back at the end, so in a roundabout way I got my wish.

But let’s start at the beginning.
After was a little too ‘boring’ to write about on its own. I know it was rich in information, but it spoke for itself. It seemed extraordinarily fitting that the first people to reunite were Michonne and Rick and Carl. Carl, as per usual, couldn’t stay in the house, otherwise he’d still have both shoes.  I was happy to see Michonne’s past, I was happy to see her not give up. And being that I find Danai Gurira absolutely beautiful, seeing her in her old life, glam and lovely, was great.

Other than that… yeah. I have nothing to say about that episode. No major opinions other than what was stated above. Moving on to Inmates.

First off, most episode titles have had a bit of a tongue-in-cheek meaning, and I’m still working this one out. Yes, there was the close up of the ‘hitchhikers may be escaped inmates’ sign, and yes, technically, everyone walking in the area had escaped the prison, just trying to figure out if there’s more to it than that, like a freedom thing, like they’re free from…what?

Jim Gaffigan nailed it with the whole episode being about forgiveness. Truth-bomb.

If you saw a sign promising sanctuary for all, would you trust it?
Probably not. Especially now, coming so quickly off the Woodbury thing. I’d be like, forget that, it’s a trap! I don’t think I’d ever go back to any kind of village or community. I’d keep my own people close and that’s it. Never again.

So, Hardwick had me cracking up with his comments about Lizzie: “She will kill you in your sleep.”  “I finally found my passion.” She has definitely become…hardened in this time. Listening to her parrot all the things that Carol taught her, but in less of a teaching method and more of a robot voice, was just odd. I honestly thought she was going to kill Judith. I can’t tell whether or not she intended to when she had her mouth covered or if she really was just trying to keep her quiet. “She was trying to silence that baby.” Yeah, for good. She clearly can’t stop at just bunnies.

Maggie and Glen’s search for each other contrasted with Tyreese and Sasha’s search is pretty interesting. I agree that there’s a pragmatism about it. Maggie and Glen are operating emotionally. Tyreese and Sasha are both like “My brother/sister is tough and he/she is fine. We’ll find him/her.” And with that, with this whole mentality of ‘let’s survive and keep moving forward,’ it adds to the drama surrounding Karen. Will part of him realize that whoever killed Karen thought they were making the right choice? I’m dying – dying – to find out if he is ever going to find out that it was Carol and that’s why she was gone. I mean, Rick, Daryl, and Maggie are the only ones who know. Carol’s not going to say anything, and I’m sure if they all meet up, Daryl won’t. That leaves Maggie and Rick.

Alanna Masterson may have summed up my entire feelings on a baby during the zombie apocalypse. No one needs a crying, zombie-attracting, not-at-all-independent baby around. It’s just… it’s a bad decision. And really, how many people have all of our survivors killed in order to save them in the long run? How is a baby any different? It all goes back to when Lori was pregnant in the first place.

Lizzie and Mika = Merle and Daryl? Wow. Excellent observation, person who commented on Twitter (Hardwick said your name too fast for me to properly credit you, sorry). I think I can see that similarity. One bossing the other around, maybe a little too violent and hard for their own good.

If Beth wasn’t there to motivate Daryl, do you think he would have just given up?
I don’t think Daryl would give up, but I agree with Joe Kernen, that he’d just regress to his old anti-social self. I feel like right now he’s just questioning having so many ties to people, and just thinking about how so much of what he’s been through lately might have been avoided if he’d just stayed alone. His offhand comment to Beth about how faith didn’t help Herschel… ugh. So cold but it probably wasn’t intentional. All the same, if he never formed these relationships, he wouldn’t be here.

I wonder if Daryl and Beth will come across Carol and Tyreese next? The smushed grapes that Daryl & Beth found while tracking and then the group of walkers feasting by the tracks, I’m assuming those are the same grapes Mika stepped on when she ran away, and then that area by the tracks, those walkers are probably eating the guys that had been bitten and mauled but the walkers that Tyreese tried to fight off. Right? So how far behind Carol and Tyreese are they?

Similarly, is the entire season going to be leading up to Terminus? The promo shots tend to be something of an easter egg, and it used to be Rick standing at a torn-down fence. That all made sense in the long run. Now it’s Rick and Carl walking along the tracks. The tracks are obviously important, and now this whole Terminus thing…

Abraham, Rosita, Eugene.
I have no major opinion on them, having not read the books. At some point, I feel like maybe I should, but I feel like I’d just get confused with two different stories happening (I decided to look up some stuff about Carol in the Walking Dead Wiki once, and yeah…completely different story there, especially how she ties in to Lori, Rick, Michonne, Tyreese) or I’d start being like a lot of other people who get pissed when they don’t match. Anyway, I want to know if they have anything to do with Terminus?

Sneak peak: I feel like they’re getting worse and worse with the sneak peak cliffhangers. DAMN, just give me another second. Or, edit it like a trailer. Cut out whatever she sees and just show me her reaction. Give me something!

About Melissa Limasse

| Real name - Yeah right | Location – The State of Being | Worth - $2,425,486 | Education – B.A. Sociology and Psychology, A.As. in Criminal Justice | Single, childless, and completely satisfied with both, Ms. Limasse doesn’t fit into the traditional “female” mold. Most people would say she’s intimidating. Anything that she says here she has most likely already said out loud View all posts by Melissa Limasse

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